Custom Products

Upholstered Seats

Order a custom upholstered seat tailored to your needs!

  • Any dimension and shape
  • High-quality, easy-to-clean upholstery materials
  • Filling with certified foams
  • Zippered closure for easy cover washing
  • Possibility of attaching the seat with Velcro or strings
  • For use both indoors and outdoors
  • Outdoor seats resistant to water and sunlight
  • Projects implemented in private homes, apartments, hotels, and restaurants.

Bedspreads and Throws

  • Any material from our cushion range (over 200 patterns)
  • Lining or double-sided fabric upon request
  • Dimension tailored to your bed
  • Upholstery material resistant to dirt
  • Possibility of using additional padding.

Dedicated Products

Order a personalized cushion!

Poduszkowcy.pl offers a wide range of decorative cushions for sofas, couches, and armchairs. Sometimes the interior color scheme or the complexity of the project does not allow for finding the right cushion in the permanent offer. In such a situation, we suggest adapting the design of a cushion from our range or creating a new cushion pattern according to the client's design. We receive many inquiries related to making a cushion according to one's own design. It is possible! We have our own cushion manufactory and are able to fulfill every order.

Changing the design of a cushion available in the store's offer

Did you like one of our cushions, but a detail prevents its use in the arrangement? We can change it. Write us an email containing information such as: size, information about proportions, material, decorative elements. We will call back and present several proposals.

  • Possibility to change the size and shape of any cushion
  • Rich offer of over 1000 materials, patterns, and colors to choose from outside the offer
  • Embroideries and prints for special occasions as promotional materials

CushionsClub – decorative cushions according to your idea. Write to us: biuro@poduszkowcy.pl